Our Vision
At Supernatural Life Church, we’ve been called to raise a people who are touched by God’s love, transformed by His Word, and empowered by His Spirit to influence the world for God.
Our Mission
The people of Supernatural Life Church lead men and women everywhere into a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, teaching them to respond to God’s unconditional love, and to live the life He has made available in Christ Jesus.
Our Pastors
Funmi Olubakin is a 4-time author, certified Marriage Coach, and professional counselor whose courses and bootcamps have been attended by over 5,000 people. She co-pastors the Supernatural Life Church, Abuja with her husband where they take the message of the God’s love and the reality of the Supernatural Life to the nations. They are blessed with three daughters - Tinu, Tiwa, and Tooni.
Philip Olubakin is the Senior Pastor of the Supernatural Life Church, a growing community of believers hungry for a genuine and tangible expression of the life of God. He's an artist, songwriter, and author of multiple books including “Maintaining Your Fire” and “LAUNCH", which have helped many to ignite and sustain the passion for intimacy with the Holy Spirit. He's also an alumnus of the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University where he studied law and blissfully married to his beautiful wife, Pastor Funmi Olubakin.
Our Core Values
Leadership Development
This is paramount for us. We believe that no matter how strong a move of God is, if people are not developed to carry it on, it will die with whoever God uses to pioneer it. We lay emphasis on developing leaders to bear the work.
We believe that God wants us to do everything well and to the best of our abilities.
We believe that God wants us to accept people at whatever level they may be and love them genuinely.
In spite of the above, we believe that our lives must be in agreement with the scriptures and we ought to live our lives in a way that brings glory to God both privately and publicly.
Our Culture
We place great value on God, the Church, leaders, and all people. We also strive to treat everyone with a great sense of worth.
We are deliberate about fulfilling the call of God on our lives and all He has given us the privilege to do in line with our vision and mission as a church.
If you see it, you own it. We take responsibility for what we see. If anything is not going right, we do something about it or report to someone who is to do something about it and follow through until something is really done about it.
This is our culture as much as it is our core value. Excellence is not a performance. It’s a heart that constantly wants to give the best, and we appreciate that what is our best is relative per time.